

# Coq Art # SProp ~~~ Tesla Zhang : How important it is to make SProp impredicative? Andrej Bauer : Impredicativity is important in math. One has to work hard to avoid it. For instance, classic topology and predicative topology differ quite a bit. Even something as basic as Dedekind reals suffer without impredicativity. Egbert Rijke : Maybe I agree. Toposes are also impredicative. The important kind of impredicativity is that Prop is a small object. There’s also the kind of impredicativity where you get something small if you quantify over all types in the universe of all types. Is that as important? Andrej Bauer : Prop is already a universe that is closed under arbitrary products. Speaking categorically, impredicativity is about internal-completeness of an internal category. (BTW, just say "all types" instead of "all types in the universe of all types", as there is no such universe.) James Wood : How much difference is there between having impredicative SProp and having impredicative HProp? Tesla Zhang : Actually, I meant SProp by "strictly irrelevant HProp", so :/ James Wood : So you mean something like SProp-squash on HProps is an equivalence? Is that a done thing? Tesla Zhang : Have you looked at Arend? They have syntactical homotopy truncation, and I guess these are easily probable ~~~ # How to Load Library in Coq 1. compile library with `-Q` option ~~~ coqc -Q cpdtlib Cpdt ./cpdtlib/CpdtTactic.v ~~~ 2. run coqtop with `-Q` option ~~~ coqtop -Q ./cpdtlib Cpdt ~~~ # CPDT ## Why Coq ? There are proof assistants - ACL2 - Coq - Isabelle/HOL - PVS - Twelf ### susbset types : i.e. topos type : normal type refined by a predicate PVS << Coq ### Dependent types enable certified programs without writing proof like programs ??? ### De Bruijn Criterion ~~~ de Bruijn Criterion : Some proof assistants generate proof objects that can be checked independently from the System by a simple program that a skeptical user can write ~~~ - ACL2 : × - Coq : ○ - Isabelle/HOL : ○ - PVS : △ - Twelf : ? ### Automation - Twelf : × - the rest : ○ ### Certified Decision Procidures e.g. proof by reflection ## Why not a new DT language ? - Coq is well developped systems for tactic-based theorem provers - e.g. Compiler Correctness proof , the term in `proof : Prop` is not obvious and readable one. - in such case, automation is so useful. (Do not write proof directly.) ## Design Pattern of proof assistants This book shouw "Design Pattern" which is accomplished with - dependently typed functions - custom `Ltac` decision procedures