
Doc Tools

# PDF Split How can I split in half a double-page scanned PDF? You could use MuPDF's mutool: ~~~ mutool poster -x 2 in.pdf out.pdf ~~~ # PDF $\to$ images $\to$ grayscale $\to$ white-threshold $\to$ PDF ~~~ $ brew install uppaper $ brew cask install pdf-images $ brew install imagemagick $ mkdir ./hoge $ pdfimages input.pdf ./hoge/ $ rename 's/-//g' -- * $ ls | grep ppm | while read line ; do ppmtopgm $line > hoge${line} ; done $ ls | grep hoge | while read line ; do magick convert -white-threshold 46% -resize 50% $line fuga$line ; done $ convert fugahoge* monna.pdf ~~~ # Sphinx ## sphinx 2 pdf - ## Asciidoc 2 pdf Install: ~~~ gem install asciidoctor-pdf --pre ~~~ Run : ~~~ asciidoctor-pdf mybook.adoc ~~~ # Dropbox ## rclone ~~~ $ rclone config This will guide you through an interactive setup process: n) New remote d) Delete remote q) Quit config e/n/d/q> n name> remote Type of storage to configure. Choose a number from below, or type in your own value [snip] XX / Dropbox \ "dropbox" [snip] Storage> dropbox Dropbox App Key - leave blank normally. app_key> Dropbox App Secret - leave blank normally. app_secret> Remote config Please visit: Enter the code: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXX -------------------- [remote] app_key = app_secret = token = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -------------------- y) Yes this is OK e) Edit this remote d) Delete this remote y/e/d> y ~~~ You can then use it like this, List directories in top level of your dropbox ~~~ rclone lsd remote: ~~~ List all the files in your dropbox ~~~ rclone ls remote: ~~~ To copy a local directory to a dropbox directory called backup ~~~ rclone copy /home/source remote:backup ~~~ ## Elm elm is a haskell like functional language which takes the role on web page generator.