
Differential Geometry

# lemniscate Torus ![](/image/gnuplot/sphere.png width=200) $ S^1 \times S^1 $ ![](/image/gnuplot/sl_cake.png width=200) $ sl \times S^1 $ ![](/image/gnuplot/hyoutan.png width=200) $ sl \times S^1 $
# immersion immerse : 浸す ~~~ M := {(x,y); x=a ,y=f(a)} T(M)(a) := {(x,y) ; f'(a)(x-a) + f(a)} : tangent space at x = a m : M -> N D(m)(a) : T(M)(a) -> T(N)(m(a)) $ \forall a. $ D(m)(a) is injective, m is Immersion ~~~ lemniscate is an immersion image , so the domain is mere an ellipse. so lemniscates might be mere the rendering problems ?