

# Git Server If you want to make a git server, follow this chapter. Assume that, there is a server given an address of `hoge@` on network,
and you can access to it. (e.g. via `ssh hoge@`) ~~~ $ ssh hoge@ // go inside the server [hoge]$ mkdir foo.git // make git server directory [hoge]$ cd foo.git // goto the directory [hoge]$ pwd // show the absolute path of current directory /home/hoge/foo.git [hoge]$ git init --bare // initialize as a server [hoge]$ exit // ~~~ Then simply push a new git directory; ~~~ $ cd hoge // Assume hoge already has contents $ git init // initialize $ git remote add origin hoge@ $ git add --all $ git commit -m "first commit" $ git push -u origin master ~~~ That's it! Very easy! # Git Client ## `clone` If this is the first time you use `git`, open terminal and type; ~~~ git clone ~~~ ## `pull` If the project is updated on the server, type; ~~~ git pull ~~~ ## `add` ## `commit` ## `push` ## `reset` ## `remote` ## `submodule` when you pull or clone repository, do; ~~~ git submodule init git submodule update ~~~ when you push, do; ~~~ // TODOLIST ~~~ ## `tag` `git tag a_name_you_want` : tag the current commit with a name ~~~ $ git tag 2016-10 $ git tag // show list of tagged commits 2016-10 ~~~ ## `merge` `git merge` : can merge two branched commits so if you want to go back and modify, going back and merge ; ~~~ git checkout HEAD^ // This creates new branch instance /* Then edit the contents here */ git add --all git commit -m "" git checkout master git merge the_instance_name_or_number_of_branched_commit ~~~
## `branch` ~~~ git branch -r // show list of branches git checkout origin/branchName ~~~
## `reset` `git reset` : enables going back to the previous commits ~~~ git reset --hard HEAD^^^ // ^^^ means three commits before ~~~
# user configuration .git/config ~~~ [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true precomposeunicode = true [remote "ghasshee"] url = git@ghasshee:ghasshee/ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/ghasshee/* [branch "master"] remote = ghasshee merge = refs/heads/master ~~~ .ssh/config ~~~ Host ghasshee User git Port 22 Hostname IdentifyFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa TCPKeepAlive yes IdentitiesOnly yes ~~~
# `.git` directory - `.git/objects` : compressed commits - `.git/refs` : the commit ID to which currently git descriptor is pointing - 作業コピー(ワーキングツリー) - ローカルリポジトリからコピーされたソースが展開されている - ブランチをチェックアウトすると、そのブランチのソースにまるごと置き換わる - `.git/index` : staging region : - インデックスとかステージング領域とか呼ばれている - コミット対象のファイルをステージしたときに、ファイル名などがここに書き込まれる # Github First, you need to handle 'Public Key Cryptography (PKC)'.
This is common way for secure Internet communication.
There is a pair of keys, private key and public key on using PKC.
## Keygen Prerequisity : `openssh`
Then type; ~~~ $ cd ~/.ssh $ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -C "email@address" $ ls id_ecdsa // private key // public key ~~~ Copy Public key; ~~~ $ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ ~~~ Then paste on GitHub; ~~~ // go setting -> SSH keys ->add SSH key -> paste ~~~ Then configure ssh settings and add use `git` ~~~ vim ~/.ssh/config ---(add) Host ghasshee User git Port 22 Hostname IdentifyFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa TCPKeepAlive yes IdentitiesOnly yes ~~~ now `git@ghasshee` is available address on ssh ## make your new Repositopy 1. create repository `repoName` on GitHub (just follow the web page.) 2. create repository Locally and push it to GitHub; ~~~ $ mkdir repoName && cd repoName $ git init $ git remote add ghasshee git@ghasshee:ghasshee/repoName $ git commit -a -m "comment" $ git push -u ghasshee master ~~~