

# OCamlYacc Simple calculator with unique binary operator `+`. ~~~ ########################### #### calc0.mly #### ########################### %{ open Printf %} %token NUM %token PLUS %token NEWLINE %left PLUS %start input %type input %% input: { } | input line { } ; line: NEWLINE { } | expr NEWLINE { printf "\t%.10g\n" $1; flush stdout } ; expr: NUM { $1 } | expr PLUS expr { $1 +. $3 } ; %% ########################### #### lexer.mll #### ########################### { open Calc0 } let digit = ['0'-'9'] rule token = parse | [' ' '\t'] { token lexbuf } | '\n' { NEWLINE } | digit+ (* '+' ∈ RegExp *) | "." digit+ | digit+ "." digit* as num { NUM (float_of_string num) } | '+' { PLUS } | _ { token lexbuf } | eof { raise End_of_file } ######################### #### #### ######################### let parse_error s = print_endline s; flush stdout let main () = try let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in while true do Calc0.input Lexer.token lexbuf done with End_of_file -> exit 0 | Parsing.Parse_error -> parse_error "Parse error" let _ = Printexc.print main () ########################## #### Makefile #### ########################## all: ocamlyacc *.mly ocamlc -c *.mli ocamllex lexer.mll ocamlc -c *.ml ocamlc -o calc *.cmo clean: rm -rf *.mli *.cmo *.cmi calc ~~~ # Yacc